The Ballot at the Bucks Youth Summit 2024
At the Bucks Youth Summit 2024, a Youth Ballot was run in partnership with Buckinghamshire Council’s elections team.
The ballot aimed to find out young people’s priorities.
How it worked
Every young person that attended the Bucks Youth Summit was given a ballot paper in their welcome packs.
Attendees were encouraged to complete their ballot papers, choosing their top 5 from 14 options.
The completed ballot sheets were collected in official ballot boxes by young facilitators at breaktime and lunchtime.
173 young people successfully cast their votes.
Several young facilitators then worked with Buckinghamshire Council staff members from the Elections team to count the votes using real elections equipment.
The 3 categories that received the most votes were announced in the closing remarks of the event.
The Results
Category |
Number of votes |
Mental Health | 135 |
Education, skills and career support | 81 |
Tackling sexual violence | 77 |
LGBTQ+, SEND and race equality | 73 |
Safety, crime and police relations | 72 |
Financial wellbeing and housing | 71 |
Physical wellbeing | 62 |
Spaces and places for young people | 55 |
The environment | 55 |
PSHE & vaping | 54 |
Creative opportunities | 46 |
Access to supportive adults | 34 |
Advice and guidance | 30 |
Public transport and rural inclusion | 18 |