We Do Care – Get Involved

Calling all care-experienced children and young people! We have lots of fun activities for you to join and we want to hear your views and ideas about the support you receive.

Person with heart icon

What is We Do Care?

If you are care experienced, We Do Care gives you a chance to have your say on issues that matter to you.

We want to make sure that you are listened to by social workers, managers and decision makers in the council, and to make a difference to the lives of other children and young people who are care experienced.

To find out more about getting involved in We Do Care activities, please email wedocare@buckinghamshire.gov.uk.

Photo of a handwritten card saying

“At my first We Do Care session (which was at Go Ape!) the workers were really welcoming and made me feel safe. It’s like having another family. I would recommend We Do Care groups to other young people because meeting others in a similar situation to me felt good.”
– Quote from a young person in care. 

speech bubble speech bubble
We Do Care logo

What we do

We Do Care is the name of the Buckinghamshire Children in Care Council.

The Children in Care Council is split into 3 groups:

We Do Care Juniors – age 5 to 12
We Do Care Seniors – age 12 to 16
We Do Care 16+

We aim to ensure that your voice is heard and acted on, so you are empowered to shape and improve children’s services in Buckinghamshire. We Do Care also run fun and engaging activities, that help you to grow your confidence and social skills.

We Do Care Juniors and Seniors Groups include a ‘Your Voice’ session, which gives you the opportunity to talk about issues that are important to you and share ideas for improving services. Participation Workers facilitate conversations and ensure your views are heard and acted on.


The We Do Care team also run

Care Ambassadors
Care Ambassadors are care-experienced young people who work closely with us to improve the experiences of young people in care.
Find out more about the Care Ambassadors role.

Care Ambassadors

New to Bucks
This group is for unaccompanied asylum-seeking young people in the care of Buckinghamshire Council.  The aim of this group is to offer young people the opportunity to connect with others with similar experiences, try something new, have fun, and receive informal support and a listening ear.

Social Saturday 16+
This informal and relaxed monthly session provides space for care-experienced individuals aged 16 to 25 to chill, chat, meet new young people, gain support and tips, and also have their voice heard.



Quote from Becky, Foster Carer:

“The space We Do Care provides for our young people is so valuable and we would be lost without it. We started working with We Do Care via our Looked After young people around 8 years ago, and I can wholeheartedly say, that without We Do Care, our young people would have found coming to terms with being in care so much more difficult.

For me, as a Foster Carer, these opportunities for our children to meet others in care is the best group we are involved in. It should never be underestimated how therapeutic the groups are – they allow our young people to meet others with similar backgrounds, explore and reflect on their own selves and recognise that they are not the only ones unable to live in whatever their biological family home may be.We have personally seen the growth, confidence and self acceptance of young people in our care, who take part in We Do Care’s groups.

They benefit from the security of being part of their own group of people. It is so powerful and I hope that it can continue.”

How to join

To find out more about getting involved in We Do Care activities, please email wedocare@buckinghamshire.gov.uk

Speak Up

Poem by a young person


Don’t say something bad.
Don’t be sad.
Talk to your social worker
Or a youth worker.

Talk, Share your feelings.
Talk, about things that help your dealings.
Music, drawing, loads of things
Can help you.
Share this with people too.

Positive things go through your head.
Think of happy things instead.
Speak up.



Photo of a poem hand-written by a young person. The words in this image are repeated in the webpage.
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