What to do if you are not happy
If you are not happy about anything to do with your care, there are people you can speak to. Find out more below.
If you are not happy about anything to do with your care from the Local Authority, you can talk to your Social Worker, PA or Independent Reviewing Officer first, if you feel comfortable doing this. You can also (or instead) contact the National Youth Advocacy Service (NYAS). They can support and represent you to make sure your voice is listened to.
You can contact NYAS yourself by calling their helpline on 0808 808 1001 or by visiting their website. You can also ask any adult working with you to contact NYAS for you.
You also have the right to make a complaint, and NYAS or others supporting you can help with this too.
To make a complaint, telephone 01296 387844 or email complimentsandcomplaints@buckinghamshire.gov.uk. You should receive an initial response within 10 working days.