Named school/college

I have just received my EHC plan and I don’t want to go to the school (or college) they’ve named. What can I do?

Bucks SEND IAS Service can provide you with information about your options if you are unhappy with the school or college named in your EHC plan. You can visit the Bucks SEND IAS Service website for more information.

If you don’t agree with the school or college named in your EHC plan, Bucks SEND IAS Service can help you to try to get the school or college you do want. There are informal steps you can take, like talking to your Education, Health and Care Coordinator, and formal steps –  mediation and tribunal.  We can help you to understand what mediation is, what a tribunal appeal is, and what schools or colleges you have a right to request.  We can give you some tips as to how to present your case, and we may be able to attend mediation and tribunal with you and help you to complete tribunal forms.

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