Meetings and plans

Being in care means you will have a care plan and you may be asked to a meeting to talk about it. Find out more below.

Care and Pathway Plans

All children and young people in care should have a Care Plan. It’s like a contract between you, the Local Authority and other important professionals in your life. Most importantly, it gives you a chance to get your wishes and feelings written down, as the plan must take your views into account. All young people in care aged 16 or over must have a Pathway Plan. This is a plan that says how you will be supported to live independently. You should know what your Care or Pathway Plan says, and if you agree with it, you should sign it and be given a copy. Keep it safe and check it regularly to make sure everyone is sticking to what it says. If you don’t agree with anything in it, you can talk about this at your Care or Pathway Plan Review Meetings (more on this below).

Placement Plan

This will be done before you move to live with a new carer. It will include things about you so your carer can look after you properly. It could include hobbies and things you like doing, medicines you take and what time you go to bed. Your Social Worker should talk to you or someone who knows you well so that the right information is in the plan.

Care Planning Meeting

This is where people talk about your situation, decide who should do what, and when it should happen. This is to make sure all your needs are met.

Care Review Meeting

This is where people involved in your care look at the plans that have been made for you. The first one should happen within 28 days of you coming into care and is arranged by your Independent Reviewing Officer (IRO). The next review meeting will be held 3 months later, and then every 6 months. You can ask for a meeting in between these times if you want one.

It’s important you go to these meetings if you can, as you will get to say what you would like to happen and you should be listened to. Everyone will talk about things like where you are living, school, seeing your family and your health.

Before the review meeting you write down how you’re feeling about where you’re living.

If you want support from someone else to help you speak at the meeting or speak on your behalf, you can ask for an Advocate from NYAS to help you (more information about NYAS later on).

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