What can people do to help?…
How did we Listen, Act and Respond?
Jacob’s story was presented by Hannah (whose voice you can hear in the animation) at a meeting of senior leaders called the Buckinghamshire Safeguarding Children’s Partnership (BSCP).
After, the chair of the BSCP shared this message with Jacob:
Hello Jacob,
My name is Walter. I chair the Buckinghamshire Safeguarding Children’s Partnership, which is a group of leaders from the Council, health organisations, CAMHS, the Police and more. Hannah came to our meeting this evening, Tuesday 10 December 2024, and shared your story and animation with us.
Thank you for your important, brave and thoughtful contribution.
You reminded us of the importance of listening directly to young people’s voices and investing time in building relationships with them, providing treatments that are proven to be effective like EMDR, charities like Animal Antiks, and organisations working together. We as leaders will keep these important points in mind as we coordinate and deliver services for young people in Buckinghamshire.
We would like to share your video in more places – Namely in the Buckinghamshire Council Children’s Services staff briefing, and the Integrated Health and Care Board Committee (health professionals meeting). We would also like to put it on the internet as a blog on the YouthVoiceBucks.co.uk website so that all professionals in Buckinghamshire can see it – would that be OK? If you let Hannah know, we will follow up.
I would also like to ask you to consider joining a youth forum – like CAMHS Article 12 or We Do Care – so that you can keep making a positive difference by sharing your experiences, feedback and ideas. Hannah can help you get linked up.
Thank you again.
– Walter
Professionals from the BSCP and Youth Voice Bucks are now sharing the animation widely with professionals. It has become a resource to inspire professionals to listen to the young people they work with.
About My Journey
The conversation in the animation uses an analogy of travelling down a road to capture Jacob’s experiences. This is an example of the My Journey model.