
This article was written by a young person called Olly.


On the 26th of July, Youth Voice Bucks hosted another exciting and super Summer Social, this year taking the Youth Voice forum members to the Southern Coast of England, Brighton. It was a great team-building event with 11 attendees including staff. Some of the activities included walking along the pier, taking flight on the i360 and having a blast at a Jungle Mini Golf course. Overall, the whole event was a smashing success and left many members walking away with happy faces and happier memories.

Photo taken from behind 4 young people

How did we get there?

We took a mini-bus from the Aylesbury Council offices, stopping on the way to pick up other members coming along and a snack if needed. The overall time taken to travel from Aylesbury to Brighton was 2 hours which was filled with debates and general conversations.

What Activities were there?

Throughout the day, there were many activities. First of all, the i360 took us up 162m in the air – showing us another perspective of Brighton. On the i360 we elected our new Chair and Vice-Chair for the upcoming year. Then we strolled along the coast and visited the pier, including going through the multiple arcades and past the amusement park rides. After that, we went and had lunch at Pizza Express then we set off down the lanes and high streets to go shopping. Finally, we re-grouped at ‘The Jungle Rumble Adventure’ and played some mini golf for the rest of the trip. At 6.45pm, we then headed back to Aylesbury.

smiling group of people in front of Brighton west pier

photo of middle of i360 tower

3 young people posing at minigolf

Why was this important and what did we get out of the event?

This was important because it helped bring us all closer to each other making our teamwork even stronger and more efficient. It also helped show our true colours and who we are to everyone else which will definitely help in future events. This will now help our meetings because we all know each other which has helped make the general atmosphere between members very friendly and allowing more decisions between peers on certain topics where we feel comfortable to share our opinions.

group shot at pizza restaurant

What was the atmosphere like during this event?

The atmosphere was very sociable and we all had a great time together, sharing thoughts, memories and many laughs. Having an atmosphere like this is a great way to boost friendships between members of Youth Voice and any other workplace as it helps us to warm up to those around us, making time spent with each other doing the work way more enjoyable.

Events like the Summer Social are a great way to build more friendly atmospheres so if there is an opportunity to host another event similar to this, then there is much to gain!

photo of the article author Olly

Thank you for reading! This article was written by


Youth Voice Member and Green Volunteen with Lindengate

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