Youth Voice Bucks are hosting a Youth Summit in February 2023. The event will bring young people from across the county together to discuss the biggest issues and areas of interest for young people in Buckinghamshire today.
The outline of the event is below.
- The event will take place on Thursday 23 February 2023 at The Waterside Theatre in Aylesbury
- Secondary schools are invited to bring 5-10 students from across years 7 to 10 each.
- We are asking that schools bring a 50/50 mix of school council members and young people who are not yet involved in youth voice projects.
- The event will run from 10am to 2.15pm. Schools may leave early if they need to.
- Attendees will be invited to join different conversation spaces on the biggest issues and areas of interest for young people in Buckinghamshire today, such as: mental health, sexual harassment, LGBT+/Pride, knife crime, access for young people in rural communities, spaces and places for young people, and SEND rights, awareness, and voice.
- The conversations will be facilitated by subject matter and youth voice experts
- Each conversation will result in further opportunities and action – the conversations will not end on the day
- Young people will be invited to sign up to more youth voice projects on the day via a Marketplace.
- At least one staff member will need to accompany the young people.
- 5 spaces are available for students who are interested in careers in theatre to work with the tech team on the day to co-manage the lighting / sound desk / stage set-up
- 2 students from each school may join the event planning committee (the Youth Voice county-wide forum)
Youth Voice Bucks are working with secondary schools to match young people with this opportunity.
If you are a young person and are interested in attending, please show this webpage to a teacher at school.
Schools are asked to register their interest by emailing