About Consultation Surveys
Lots of organisations that influence our lives gather feedback from people before they make big decisions. Sometimes they are required to do this by law.
Consultation Surveys are often used by organisations to gather people’s views. Consultation surveys are a set of questions about a topic of interest. There is usually some information on the topic given before the questions are asked, and sometimes there is an additional document, or set of documents, that you can read before you answer the questions.
Your Voice
The local authority, Buckinghamshire Council, have lots of consultation surveys open to be answered at any one time.
There is a website called Your Voice which is shared between the Council and other organisations. This is where the Council hosts its Consultation Surveys. There are also surveys on Your Voice that come from other organisations.
Go to the Your Voice Consultation Survey Portal
Young people over the age of 13 are welcome to answer any survey on Your Voice. Young people aged 12 and under should answer the questions with a parent/carer. This is due to laws on collecting and processing people’s data.