Community Safety Annual Survey


The Safer Buckinghamshire Board want to know the community safety concerns where you live or work to help reduce crime.

The Safer Buckinghamshire Board is the local community safety partnership that brings together experts from the police, fire service, probation, health and social care services. 

They want to hear from people living, studying, and/or working in Buckinghamshire, including young people.

In this survey, they are asking about your community safety concerns from the past 12 months:

  • your perception and experience of crime and anti-social behaviour
  • where and when you feel safe or unsafe in Buckinghamshire
  • what you think should be done about crime and anti-social behaviour


How to report crime and anti-social behaviour

The responses to the Community Safety survey are anonymous, so no one will be able to identify you or contact you about anything you say in this survey. For information on how to report crime or anti-social behaviour, please go to the Buckinghamshire Council webpage, Safety and Crime in Your Community.
The Safety and Crime in Your Community page includes information on what you can do if you are affected by crime and/or anti-social behaviour.

How to have your say

You can tell us your views in the following ways:

1. Complete the young people’s version of the Community Safety survey

Young people’s Community Safety Survey

2. Complete the adult version of the online Community Safety survey

Adult online Community Safety Survey

3. Complete and return the printed version of the adult Community Safety survey

Adult printed Community Safety Survey [212 KB]


Please tell us your views by midnight on Sunday 29 October.

If you have any questions, please email us 

What happens next

In March 2024, the Safer Buckinghamshire Board will decide the partnership activities for the next 12 months to help reduce crime. These will be based on:

  • your response to this survey – impact of crime and anti-social behaviour as well as where you feel safe or unsafe
  • a review of crime and community safety data – to help make sure the Safer Buckinghamshire Board continue to focus on crimes with the highest risk of harm

Once the survey closes, the Youth Voice Bucks team will add an article to our blog page to keep you updated on the survey results, the partnership activities that the Safer Buckinghamshire Board decides on, and how your views have made a difference.


We will use the information you provide here only for this activity. We will store the information securely in line with data protection laws and will not share or publish any personal details. For more information about data and privacy, please see our Privacy Policy.

If you have questions about data and privacy, please email us on Or write to our Data Protection Officer at Buckinghamshire Council, The Gateway, Gatehouse Road, Aylesbury, HP19 8FF.

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